They use Sonic Blow frequently for burst damage so it would consume pretty much SP.
It's difficult to do MVP with this build because of the weapon size penalty for the blade, but you can still use Sandstorm to cover it.
After being a Thief, you can do a more professional job as an Assassin.
Assassins are good at PvP because of their Invisible skill, allowing them to give a high burst damage to their target out of nowhere as well as escaping from their enemies.
Transcendent Second Job for Assassin is Assassin Cross and the Third Job is Guillotine Cross.
Ragnarok M Eternal Love Assassin Blade Skill Build
Stats: Strength Agility Dexterity 4:3:1First Class: Thief
Hiding Lv10
Make Character into hiding state for 30s, decrease movement speed by 35%
Enchant Poison Lv10
Give weapon poison properties, have a chance of 12% to poison the target for 15s
Improve Flee Lv10
Permanently Increase Flee by 30 and Movement Speed 10%
Second Class: Assassin
Sonic Blow Lv10
Deal 600% PAtk physical damage to single target, have 30% chance to stun
Sonic Acceleration lv5
Increase Sonic Blow damage by 100% and increase own accuracy by 30 points
Twin Blade Penetration Lv5
Have 20% chance to lower target's equipments PDef by 50% for 4s

Backsliding Lv10
Increase flee by 30 and enter invisible state for 5s
Enhanced Enchant Poison Lv10
Poisoned Weapon gains 40 PAtk
Transcendent Second Class: Assassin Cross
Soul Breaker Lv10
Deal (PAtk*720% + Int*70 + random(Int*5,Int*50)) neutral physical damage to single target from a distance
Assassination Heart Lv10
When landing critical hits, increase damage by 30%
Enchant Deadly Poison Lv10
Increase own attack by 30% for 40s
The other Skills are optional